
Enroll Your Child for 2023-24 School Year

Adult Program (22+)

The Adult Program is dedicated to meeting the needs of individuals with autism and related disabilities who are beyond the age of 22. Our main objective is to foster independence by setting goals, teaching essential life skills, improving communication abilities, and reducing maladaptive behavior. We provide intensive therapy based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). During a meeting between our staff and parents, we establish personalized goals for each student, which are regularly measured to track progress. Our daily focus is to help our students reach their highest potential.

Our program offers a range of experiences, including community-based instruction (CBI), job training, and job placement. We also incorporate individualized fitness components such as swimming, yoga, cardio, and strength training. With a student-to-teacher ratio of 2:1 or 3:1, our program is staffed by qualified professionals in behavior analysis, education, and related services.

Key features of our program include:

  • Full-day, year-round school program for individuals aged 22 and above
  • Rolling enrollment for flexible admission
  • Providing ABA in both classroom and community settings
  • 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 student-to-teacher ratios
  • Recreation activities tailored to match the abilities and interests of our clients
  • Communication training to enhance social interactions
  • Employment training and development of work habits
  • Encouraging peer interactions and fostering a consistent social network
  • A predictable routine to promote stability
  • Behavior management strategies to remove barriers hindering community inclusion

We are committed to supporting our students in every aspect of their lives and helping them thrive in their journey towards independence.

Watch our young men in action in this video about the Adult Program at The Victory Center!