Enroll Your Child for 2024-25 School Year

Programs & Services

At The Victory Center, each child’s program is specially designed to meet his or her specific needs and to take into account individual strengths and weaknesses. Our Individual Education Objective Program (IEOP) is based upon an in-depth assessment of the child. These programs include language, self-help, social skills, and life skills. In contrast to the more typical home-based therapy program, The Victory Center provides continuous opportunity for and the facilitation of social skills that children with an ASD diagnosis may typically lack.

Ages 2-5

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)

The program offers individualized Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) based instruction to children ages 2 to 5 in an intensive 1:1 and 2:1 student-to-teacher ratio setting by professionals qualified in areas of behavior analysis, education, and other related services. Teaching sessions are designed to teach communication skills, classroom routine skills, independent living skills such as potty training, and compliance. Further, the program focuses on reducing maladaptive behavior by creating behavior intervention plans individualized for each student. Teaching sessions alternate with small group activities which expose students to diverse social situations to help develop social and motor skills. Each student’s schedule of learning activities is designed to meet his or her needs.

The goal is to foster and maximize students’ skills and learning at a critical stage in their development. Program activities include:

  • VB-MAPP assessments and programming
  • Functional behavior assessments
  • Behavior intervention plan creation, implementation, and monitoring

Ages 6-10

Primary School

The program focuses on implementing individualized grade level instructions that adheres to academic state standards such as Common Core for students ages 6 to 10. Students received individualized teaching through Discrete Trial Training (DTT) and small group instruction on various subjects such as math, science, language arts, and reading. The primary program also focuses on social skills, communication skills, independent living skills, and reduction of maladaptive behavior. Additionally, the program includes individualized fitness components including swimming, yoga, cardio, and strength training.

The program offers 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 student-to-teacher ratio and is instructed by professionals qualified in areas of behavior analysis, education, and other related services. Cutting-edge technology and targeted software applications such as IXL, a comprehensive K-8 learning experience, Edmark functional reading program, and Maxscholar, a multi-sensory reading and language-based program have been implemented to enhance program efficacy.


Ages 11-13

Middle School Program

The goal of the Middle School Program at The Victory Center for Autism and Related Disabilities is to deliver individualized, intensive, and evidence-based educational services to children and adolescents with autism and related developmental disabilities.

The Middle School Program focuses on implementing individualized grade level instruction that adheres to academic state standards such as Common Core for students ages 11 to 13. Students receive individualized teaching through Discrete Trial Training (DTT) and small group instruction on various subjects such as math, science, language arts, and reading. The middle school program also focuses on social skills, communication skills, independent living skills, and reduction of maladaptive behavior. Additionally, the program includes individualized fitness components including swimming, yoga, cardio, and strength training.

The program is instructed by professionals qualified in areas of applied behavior analysis, education, and other related services. Cutting-edge technology and targeted software applications such as IXL, a comprehensive K-8 learning experience, Edmark functional reading, and Maxscholar, a multi-sensory reading and language-based program have been implemented to enhance program efficacy.

Ages 14-22

Secondary: The Victory Academy

The Academy Program is a specialized program designed for students aged 14-22. We deliver individualizes, intensive and evidence based educational services to adolescents and young adults with autism and related developmental disabilities. Our focus is on providing individualized grade-level instruction that aligns with academic state standards, such as the Common Core. Students receive personalized teaching through small group instruction in subjects like math, science, language arts, and reading. We also incorporate individualized fitness components, including swimming, yoga, cardio, and strength training.

Our program maintains a student-to-teacher ratio of 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 or 5:1, ensuring that each student receives the attention they need. Our instructors are professionals who are qualified in areas such as behavior analysis, education, and related services. To enhance the effectiveness of our program, we utilize cutting-edge technology and targeted software applications like IXL, Edmark functional reading program, TeachTown and Maxscholar.

In the Academy program, we offer students a range of experiences, including community-based instruction, job training, and job placement. In addition to academic subjects, students also practice social skills, life skills, and job skills both within the community and alongside neurotypical peers from local high school programs. Our aim is to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for success.

We are committed to providing a comprehensive and supportive educational experience for our students in The Academy Program.


Ages 14-22

Secondary: The Vocational Program

The Vocational Program is a center-based program for students ages 14 to 22 who have been diagnosed with autism or related developmental disabilities. The Vocational Program focuses on teaching functional skills to these individuals. It is designed for students who may not be able to obtain a high school diploma and aims to enhance their independence as they transition into adulthood. The program emphasizes four primary principles: functional academics, domestic living, vocational training, and community skills. Students have the opportunity to engage in community-based instruction, job-training, and job placement experiences. The program also includes individualized fitness components such as swimming, yoga, cardio, and strength training. With a student-to-teacher ratio of 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1, the program is staffed by professionals qualified in behavior analysis, education, and related services. Each vocational student undergoes assessment using the Community Based Functional Assessment and receives an individualized education program tailored to their needs and interests. The program utilizes Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles and provides instruction in the classroom, home environment, and community setting to promote generalization. It is ideal for students who may be behind in grade level, require an adapted curriculum, experience negative peer interactions, have difficulty learning in large group settings, exhibit maladaptive behavior, or struggle to find meaningful employment.

Ages 14-22

Secondary School

Secondary education at The Victory Center for Autism and Related Disabilities.

Adult Program Flyer

Ages 22+

Adult Program

The Adult Program is dedicated to meeting the needs of individuals with autism and related disabilities who are beyond the age of 22. Our main objective is to foster independence by setting goals, teaching essential life skills, improving communication abilities, and reducing maladaptive behavior. We provide intensive therapy based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). During a meeting between our staff and parents, we establish personalized goals for each student, which are regularly measured to track progress. Our daily focus is to help our students reach their highest potential.

Our program offers a range of experiences, including community-based instruction (CBI), job training, and job placement. We also incorporate individualized fitness components such as swimming, yoga, cardio, and strength training. With a student-to-teacher ratio of 2:1 or 3:1, our program is staffed by qualified professionals in behavior analysis, education, and related services.

Ages 22+

Adult Program

This program is offered to serve the needs of individuals with disabilities beyond age 22. The program’s objective is to create a level of independency by setting goals, teaching independent living skills, communication skills, and reducing maladaptive behavior. Goals for each student are established and designed during meeting between staff and parents and are monitored throughout the year. The program offers students a variety of experiences including community-based instruction (CBI), job-training, and job placement. Additionally, the program includes individualized fitness components including swimming, yoga, cardio, and strength training.

The program offers 2:1, and 3:1 student-to-teacher ratio and is staffed by professionals qualified in the areas of behavior analysis, education, and other related services.

Watch our young men in action in this video about the Adult Program at The Victory Center!

  • Recreation matching the clients’ abilities and interests
  • Communication training
  • Employment training and development of work habit behavior
  • Peer interactions and a consistent social network
  • Predictable routine
  • Behavior management to remove behavioral barriers impeding community inclusion

Begin the enrollment process by scheduling a tour

Join our growing team of ABA Teachers

Experience the satisfaction of knowing your work can help students with Autism & Related Disabilities gain functional and meaningful skills to achieve greater independence.

The Victory Center for Autism and Related Disabilities is proudly supported by the following generous and community-oriented partners. They support us, please support them.